I've had a colony of B. fumigata going for about 3 months now. Almost two months ago, I slapped a heating pad underneath it, so the temperature in that area is now up around 90F. The adults are doing great- fat and healthy, eating well, etc. My problem is that I can't find any young. I've seen at least two adults with oothecae, but- no young.
I keep them in a plastic bin, with ~2" of clean peat in the bottom. One corner of the bin has a baby food jar with a fabric wick in it that I top off every day so one corner stays moist. The bin has several egg cartons in it providing plenty of hiding spaces. The humidity is pretty low (Phoenix metro being what it is), but the adults seem to be doing just fine. Food consists primarily of dog food, followed by bananas, with some amount of green veggies now and again.
Any advice?
I keep them in a plastic bin, with ~2" of clean peat in the bottom. One corner of the bin has a baby food jar with a fabric wick in it that I top off every day so one corner stays moist. The bin has several egg cartons in it providing plenty of hiding spaces. The humidity is pretty low (Phoenix metro being what it is), but the adults seem to be doing just fine. Food consists primarily of dog food, followed by bananas, with some amount of green veggies now and again.
Any advice?