Anole sex, lol need info!


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2005
Yo all,
Tried a thread on a UK forum for this, but got no response.
I know you yanks are keener on using them as livefood so i am kinda hoping some of you could help me out with a bit of knowledge.
I have a definate male, and female. The male is doing his utmost to try and get in with he, but she just keeps jumping awy from him when he tries.
I am wondering how you breed them? is there any specific season? brumation or anything im not doing?
Iv only had them together for about 1-2months but jsut cant find any info out, lol
ANY info you have on anolis carolinensis breeding will be so helpful.
I know they can be pretty prolific, iv just yet to see the results!


Old Timer
Oct 28, 2007
In my experience,anoles are super easy to breed.I wouldn' keep a pair in anything less than a densly planted 20 gallon high.The 65 gallon reptariums are perfect for them and you set them outdoors in the nice weather.They need UVB lights and a high quality UVA source to bask under and provide ambient light.I would use an incandescent Sylvania plant growing bulb found at lowes for $7 or less,depending on wattage.Keep them about 75F during the day with an 85-90F basking spot and mist them fo drinking water at least every few days.Do so heavily.They will breed when mature and will lay eggs that hatch in about a month in the substrate.Make sure you are giving the female plenty of calcium,b/c they quickly deplete themselves,once they start laying.This basic information is appropriate for most common anole species.I have experience with several types and A.garmani are very impressive lizards IMO.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2005
was gonna label the thread 'Anolesex - In need of sex advice!' lmao
I thought that might be a bit immature though, lol:rolleyes:
Im pissed out my head at the mom, will reply in the moro! cheers