Anisolabis littorea?


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2009
Aka the Seashore Earwig, a New Zealand native, grows to 3.5cm, omnivorous and lives close to the beach.

That’s pretty much all I know about them but I’m thinking of collecting a few sometime soon I can’t find any information about captive care of them or any other earwigs for that matter.

I did a search and there were a couple of posts from 2006 and 2007 but nothing more resent.

Has anyone kept these before? Or know where to find a care sheet?

Any help would be much appreciated

Oh and a picture for those who are interested


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
I dont know if they are the same as the ones here in the States. My boy keeps them with his potatobug/sowbug/pillbug collection. He has millipedes and centipedes and pillbugs and woodlice and earwigs altogether.
He has a sweaterbox with moist peatmoss, dried oakleaves, rotton wood and pieces of bark for everything to hide under. They seem to thrive!
He feeds them cucumbers, carrots, dead mice and worms and whatever else he feels like throwing in.
The woodlice seem to really like oatmeal...


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2009
I dont know if they are the same as the ones here in the States. My boy keeps them with his potatobug/sowbug/pillbug collection. He has millipedes and centipedes and pillbugs and woodlice and earwigs altogether.
He has a sweaterbox with moist peatmoss, dried oakleaves, rotton wood and pieces of bark for everything to hide under. They seem to thrive!
He feeds them cucumbers, carrots, dead mice and worms and whatever else he feels like throwing in.
The woodlice seem to really like oatmeal...
Thanks for the info. I think with the info I can find as well as some common sense I should be able to get some and play by ear, I’ll let you know how things turn out.


Old Timer
Mar 7, 2004
Aka the Seashore Earwig, a New Zealand native, grows to 3.5cm, omnivorous and lives close to the beach.

That’s pretty much all I know about them but I’m thinking of collecting a few sometime soon I can’t find any information about captive care of them or any other earwigs for that matter.

I did a search and there were a couple of posts from 2006 and 2007 but nothing more resent.

Has anyone kept these before? Or know where to find a care sheet?

Any help would be much appreciated

Oh and a picture for those who are interested
Hi Violet!

I have kept them before and I managed to breed them as well.



I kept them in room temperature, around 20ºC, humid and plenty of hidings.
I feed them various plants, roots, mushrooms and aphids to mention a few food items.

Unfortunatelly the whole culture died. I was ill for a while and I had a friend who looked after the culture, but they all died at his place. I don't know what went wrong, neither does he.

I really would like to get my hands of a few specimens once again and give it another shot.

Best wishes