Yes, the can climb very well. They are really neat though. I think the markings on their head are kinda pretty. They take 6 months to a year to mature which is a pretty long time for a roach. Then they'll live about another year as an adult.
Thought about keeping a colony of those. Tried with a few that i caught but I dont think I gave it enough time.
Question.. nymph fast? numbers?
Nymph production and growth rate is VERY slow! The egg cases hatch in about 8 weeks and the nymphs can take up to a year to become adults. I only have a few adults but my females are producing lots of egg cases so hopefully I can get my colony going soon.
I think I read that females produce about 150 young in their lifetime. Not sure how many eggs are in a case.
Yes, they are very smelly, even when I'm not disturbing them. I have to stick my nose in the tank to smell it so its not so bad. They have a definite odor though.
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