American Bulldogs


Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
My husband and I possibly may adopt a young male pure white American Bulldog in the future. (A friend has one that they will be getting rid of) I will of course research the breed before we agree to take it, but I was just wondering if any of you might have some personal experiences with the breed that you might be willing to share? And feel free to post pictures of yours too. So far I know that they shed alot, are loyal, athletic and high energy. I think this one is around 8 months to a year old right now, and weighs approximately 70ish pounds.


Old Timer
Oct 28, 2007
I have a female that is about 2 1/2 years old.She is the most loveable girl.She is very loyal,skittish,but never aggressive.I find she doesn't drool much,and I disagree that the shed very much,though the do as all dogs will.She is was easily house broken and a real joy.They are prone to growths and cancer,similar to boxers and can probably be expected to live around 9yrs.Mine is just as content to lay in bed all day as she is to run around outdoors.Not terribly bright,but she's my angel..I talk baby talk to her all They also get along well with other dogs.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Thank you very much for the reply Arachnophoria, do you have any pictures of your girl?:)

Edit: If they aren't terribly bright, how are they at obedience? Do they listen fairly well? You said she was easily housebroken, what about other training, did she learn quickly?


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006
Our close friends adopted a puppy a few months ago. He is awesome!!! They go to training with him so he is very well behaved. He gets along with their 3 cats just fine and plays well with my dog when they bring him over. The only problem they are having with him is separation anxiety but I think they brought that upon themselves since he has always gone everywhere with them and now that he is much bigger he has to stay home sometimes.

He is a big baby though and I would not hesitate to get the same breed.

Here is a pic of Dozer and his mommy.

And here is his MySpace page :rolleyes:


Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Aww he's adorable! Thank you very much for posting about him, I loved all the pics on his myspace page.:)


Old Timer
Oct 28, 2007
My Lola Pazola was a rescue.She was abused and passed from one family to the next,b/c she was VERY frightened of people,but never aggressive.The original owner had the dog returned twice,after trying to rehome her.Their vet said to euthanise her,b/c she was just too scared to be a good,trustworthy,family dog.I took her in,b/c I work a lot and my bf has a Jack Russel TERROR,that I can't stand and I thought,since she liked other dogs,she would be fine with him and if I was super luckey,she'd eat him:D.At first,I crated her,she would urinate and defficate in her crate,b/c she was so abused by the breeder,that she never had any other choice.Most dogs will not go where they lay.She would,however go outside and quickly learned what was the correct thing to do by watching the other dog.She now has the very rare accident caused by anxiety and it is only urine.This is rare and she never hides it or is spiteful with it,like that damned JRT:mad:.She has since settled and very loyal and loving to me.She lets me rub her tummy,pick her up,she sleeps with me in my bed and is just a very maleable,loveable,dopey girl.She has never had lessons,but is very obideint in terms of being able to be redirected.She doesn't know sit(my own fault),but she will stop doing something I dislike,just by my tone.She comes,when called and has never attempted any aggression.She is still shy,but more curious towards strangers,though men still scare her more than women.She will run up and sniff a jogger,but cower from a house guest,until she has had time to see me interact with them.I have some pix,I would be happy to share,but can only do so by e-mail,so if you PM me,I'll send those one.I really adore her and I think they are great family dogs and still have enough size to offer protection(unless they are scared of thier own tail,like mine:)).I think you will have no regrets.