I had no idea just how voracious a Pac-Man frog can be until I was experimenting with my two juvenile specimens yesterday.I had a couple of left over ADULT mice and on a whim I sort of was wondering what a Pac-Man would do if offered a live, kicking, adult mouse.Well, I sure found out in a hurry.Both of my Pac-Mans tore the mouse from my fingers and swallowed the front quarters of the mouse in a single gulp!!! the mice struggled frantically but it was to no avail !!!! soon, the mice ceased to move and the frogs swallowed the remainder of the mice in several big gulps...all that was left was the tail of the mice sticking out of the frogs mouths and soon enough that vanished as well...
I have to admit that is was heinous watching a frog eat a full grown mouse...it was truly amazing to me as the mice were nearly as big as the darn frogs..!!!! I really was in awe at what I was seeing.I think both of my Pac-Mans are totally stuffed at the moment and are just resting and digesting these huge meals....I think I will not need to feed them again for some time.And when they do feed they eat EVERYTHING....crickets, other frogs, mice...sheesh....they are eating machines to be sure...
The Evil Spider Hunter