Unfortunately corns are strict rodent eaters. They used to sell a product called snake sausages but those quickly went out. My recommendation to you would be to search the net, possibly find a rodent dealer and talk someone nice into loaning you the money for your snake's welfare. Otherwise, it'd be possible to start breeding your own rodents. Most Colubrids love pink hamsters and gerbils as well but good luck getting them off of the selected fare.
Not strict at all. They do raid bird nests in the wild. I offer mine thawed baby quails. They gobble them up with impressive speed and efficiency.
My suggestion for finding pinkies is to just look for other local people who keep snakes and see if they'll sell some to you or hook you up with someone who breeds them.
I've heard of people using appropriately sized cubes of beef heart (obtainable at any supermarket for about $1 /lb). Nutritional it should be okay for the short term until you get pinkies, whether your snake will eat it is a different matter.
But if you fed your snake today or even yesterday you should okay until the pet store opens again (since it'll only be a week between feedings)
Relax! Skipping a meal is no big deal to a snake. Remember, like inverts, they eat far less in the wild than they do in captivity. Your corn can wait until the 27th. Don't throw it off by adding other prey items. You risk the chance of being unable to switch your corn back to rodents if it suddenly decides it likes some type of rare Himalayan hamster better than a mouse/rat.
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