Almost arrested for tarantulas


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2008
This is somewhat pointless but is an announcement none the less. The other night I was walking to my tattooist's house to finish my super awesome tat of my G. aureostriata, and I was carrying her with me so he could get the colors and patterns right (we so far have only got the outline and some shading)

well what happens when I am walking, I get stopped by the police (the tattooist doesnt live in the best area) and he threatens me with "criminal mischief" because Im walking around in a trench coat and have a tarantula by my side in a critter keeper. He further threatened to call animal control and take my baby from me. I finally convince him that I dont just walk around with my T to cause trouble and he let me go with a "warning". i mean jeeze, I know there are crack houses in Milwaukee, why cant he go bust those!!!

sadly I never made it to finish my tarantula tattoo, now I have to wait another 3 weeks before my guy gets back in town. ugh darn police!


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2006
Man that really sucks. It'd be different if you were walking around with something that could actually do some damage - like walking your 12ft starving Burmese python - but... a G. pulchripes?? (aureostriata) that's total crap :wall:


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2008
Man that really sucks. It'd be different if you were walking around with something that could actually do some damage - like walking your 12ft starving Burmese python - but... a G. pulchripes?? (aureostriata) that's total crap :wall:
I know! he made me turn around and go home, saying i was headed to buy drugs! he couldnt put two and two together with the tarantula tat on my arm and my tarantula with me and the fact that I said i was going to get ink done and I needed her for a reference. grrrr this made me angry cause school starts soon and i have to go with an unfinished tat


Old Timer
Dec 25, 2006
I woul get a lawyer and make a complaint. That is crap and harassment.


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2008
I woul get a lawyer and make a complaint. That is crap and harassment.
its pointless, i get harassed a lot by police, they like to profile me cause I fit in the "goth" stereotype and it doesnt bother me cause im never beaking the law, but this is a first for tarantulas, why profile them!


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2008
The police have a right to stop you and ask, and then apologize and let you on your way. They do not have the right to make you turn around and go home or tell you what to do if you haven't done anything wrong. Your explanation sounds reasonable and logical to me. I think you should go to the police station in person with a bunch of friends and politely file a complaint. As a freedom loving American, I actually think you have an obligation to do so. (First, I'd check the Milwaukee laws regarding tarantulas, just so the police can't use that against you.) Whatever you decide, in my opinion, you were wronged by the police.
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Old Timer
Feb 12, 2009
I would have taken his badge number and name and filed a report for harassment.They do not have the right to send you home because they assumed you were looking for trouble,and need to stop the gestapo attitude thinking they can do whatever they please.I would have been arrested for telling the cop to go about his business and continued on my way.


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2008
I would have taken his badge number and name and filed a report for harassment.They do not have the right to send you home because they assumed you were looking for trouble,and need to stop the gestapo attitude thinking they can do whatever they please.I would have been arrested for telling the cop to go about his business and continued on my way.
I try to respect the police, and I can understand why I was stopped in the first place. It was night in a not so good area,Ii was in all black and carrying an unknown object. Any good officer would've stopped me, I know they are just doing their job. But when you get the one with the power trip it makes me angry, he had me in a vice b/c he wanted to take my T, if I got arrested I would've most certainly lost my T and if I got belligerent he would've called animal control. And even though Ts are completely legal in Milwaukee county he could make a case to take it away saying I'm mistreating it by walking around with it. With little knowledge of Ts from the police and animal control I wasn't going to risk them overreacting and taking my tarantula and fining me. I had to comply with his unreasonable request because ultimately he would've found grounds to take my T and/or arrest me. A formal complaint has already been mailed and I'm planning a trip to the local precinct. Unfortunately I didnt get his badge number, but the time and area should be sufficient to find who was on the beat.


Old Timer
Feb 12, 2009
I hear you.I can understand him stopping you to see what was up and all,but i just do not like police that try to be pushy and think they can change the law to suit their needs.I`m glad to see that you are pursuing the issue and wish you the best of luck.


Old Timer
Jun 1, 2009
i think the cop just wanted to bug you because the night was slow or something. i had a wild caught T in my car when a cop stopped and looked in my car and saw it. but i wasn't walking around with a T. I don't see what harm can come with that. You really cant threat or heart anyone with it in less they can get killed from T bite Just like a bee sting.


Old Timer
Oct 30, 2008
For the record... Criminal mischief involves damage, defacement, alteration, or destruction of the property of another person.


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2008
For the record... Criminal mischief involves damage, defacement, alteration, or destruction of the property of another person.
doesnt stop him from threatening it. Even if I fought it he would've taken me in and I would have fought it in court and beaten the charges, but still im sure i would have never seen my T again or had to pay out the a$$ to get her back from the humane society or wherever they would keep her.

I'm very well informed of my rights both local and federal, I did student congress nationally for 4 years and now coach it. I know the laws around here and sadly he would've found something he could've charged me with if I had been a dick, whether it be disorderly conduct, obstucting, or mischief. Yes all of these would've been dropped in court had I been charged, but my overall concern was for my T. Trust me, I fight my legal battles when the only one effected is me but I couldnt let my T be taken.

chances are if he had been super evil and really tried to take my T i wouldve ended up tazed and on the next new episode of COPS. would've made a good episode.


Old Timer
Oct 30, 2008
doesnt stop him from threatening it. Even if I fought it he would've taken me in and I would have fought it in court and beaten the charges, but still im sure i would have never seen my T again or had to pay out the a$$ to get her back from the humane society or wherever they would keep her.

I'm very well informed of my rights both local and federal, I did student congress nationally for 4 years and now coach it. I know the laws around here and sadly he would've found something he could've charged me with if I had been a dick, whether it be disorderly conduct, obstucting, or mischief. Yes all of these would've been dropped in court had I been charged, but my overall concern was for my T. Trust me, I fight my legal battles when the only one effected is me but I couldnt let my T be taken.

chances are if he had been super evil and really tried to take my T i wouldve ended up tazed and on the next new episode of COPS. would've made a good episode.
Lesson learned: only carry photos of your spider while walking the streets!


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2008
Lesson learned: only carry photos of your spider while walking the streets!
Wrong!! :)

I think every tarantula lover should drive to Milwaukee and carry signs demanding tarantula rights and carry a tarantula under their arm and march in the streets. That would definitely make the news if enough people showed up. ... I suppose someone would have to get a parade permit.


Old Timer
Dec 30, 2008
My suggestion to you is brush up on your rights as a US citizen. You are completely right to respect the police but you also have the right to know why you were stopped. I know here in Texas if you are stopped without probable cause, you do not have to stay and talk to the cop. It is a consent stop, weather you said anything or not. There is no harm in asking. Not all cops are rogue reguarless of what the news says.


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2008
Wrong!! :)

I think every tarantula lover should drive to Milwaukee and carry signs demanding tarantula rights and carry a tarantula under their arm and march in the streets. That would definitely make the news if enough people showed up. ... I suppose someone would have to get a parade permit.
lol, no you dont need a parade permit, I marched for the Marijuana march recently and we didnt have a permit, just 300 of us walking from downtown to summerfest with signs and bullhorns. but i dont think im up for creating such a ruckus for Ts, i think the proper actions have been taken already.

My suggestion to you is brush up on your rights as a US citizen. You are completely right to respect the police but you also have the right to know why you were stopped. I know here in Texas if you are stopped without probable cause, you do not have to stay and talk to the cop. It is a consent stop, weather you said anything or not. There is no harm in asking. Not all cops are rogue reguarless of what the news says.
You are right, but he did have probable cause for the stop, a suspicious person IS qualified as probable cause to effect a stop and detain a person for further questioning but not to effect an arrest. I can be stopped for being suspicious, and he can question me about what he can see in plain view. What he cannot do for a suspicious person is gain probable cause to search a persons body without further evidence of a crime, or a warrant. Keep in mind I was wearing a full trenchcoat in 75 degree pleasant weather and carrying a critter keeper, its just how I roll{D
i would have to say although I was doing nothing wrong, I did fit the bill for suspicous person