I dont know if i have heavily misinformed about this or what but people saying that true A.craussicauda has been misidentified and the ones that from egypt and israel isnt A.craussicauda rather it is unknown Androctonus species since A.craussicauda isnt spread as it thought. True A.craussicauda is from varamin Tehran province and we never had one in the hobby. Not only A.craussicauda was misidentified, all black scorpions are medically significant has been misidentified. Also, H.jayakari has been misidentified with H.Juliae which its the new species has been identified recently and I asked them whether H.jayakari is responsible for bone marrow infection but H.juliae was and H.jayakari wasnt. some saying that all medically significant species has been misidentified and any medically siginificant species that we have with scientific names such as A.australis, A.bicolor, A.crassicauda, H.tamulus...etcetc has been misidentified with others unknown species. Im really confused where these people getting these information from. I know there is a article saying that the frequent case of scorpions misidenfied has been observed
I have been searching the information for an hour and there is no articles about the information that people told me
Also some believes A.crassicauda is only found in iran
I have been searching the information for an hour and there is no articles about the information that people told me
Also some believes A.crassicauda is only found in iran