Aiden's Finally Got A Buddy!


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
Well, I went to Petco 2 days ago to get some extra chew toys and saw their rats and I thought, just out of curiosity, I would ask if they had any babies in the back. Wuddya know? A female they got in was pregnant and she had around 10 albino babies. I'm extremely against getting petstore rats but they were just so darn cute and they were FREE! So, I picked up a lively little male and brought him home. We named him Alexander (Alex for short). He still hasnt eaten anything from what I can see and I cant really tell if hes been drinking so hes been getting a little bit of Pedilite twice a day to make sure he stays hydrated until I actually see that hes drinking on his own. He sure is a cutie too! He looooves to curl up and go to sleep. I think hes younger than when I got Aiden, hes maybe around 4 1/2 - 5 weeks old?

Heres Alex!

He LOVES Shiney objects (Him killing my nail clippers)

Someones got lice! (Hes going to the vets sometime next week)

Alex falling asleep

Completely knocked out

Updated pictures of Aiden!
He finally got to move back into his huge cage again and boy was he HAPPY!!

Aiden in his quarantine cage

My pretty boy has gotten bigger!

I'm picking up 2 more older rats on Friday if I like them. I figured I could move the baby in with Aiden first so that they can kind of grow a bit of a bond and are able to put up more of a fight for when the 2 larger boys are moved in. =)


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
aw, so cute! good luck with all the introductions.
I've got my two boys, and am planning on adding a third in the next few months, my sister-in-law is expecting a few litters, and I want a baby! I'm just hoping my boys will accept a new one. Right now they are going through the squabbling stage, they fought all day yesterday, but seem okay today.


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2008
Yep, you're hooked. I love that completely knocked out pic. The expression on his face indicates such deep sleep you expect him to start drooling-too cute!


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
Aiden and I started out on the wrong foot and hes been pretty darned bored and miserable in his small quarentine cage. Well, yesterday he was able to go back into his big 4 level cage and boy is he HAPPY! Hes practically bouncing off the walls!
Today he actually played with me!! Any time I poke his butt, he takes off running 100mph around in a circle and then comes back, I poke his butt and he takes off and comes back. He let me wrestle with him and flip him over too! =D
He still doesnt like actually being held but hes such a hoot when he takes off to play! I cant wait to get a buddy in there for him to play with!


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
Males can live together as long as they start out together when they are young. I had some problems trying to put older males together, so just be careful. Your new little one is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
Well I went to pick up the 2 other older males and the lady wasnt there and the number she gave me didnt work. So, I've got my baby and I've got Aiden. =) That works just fine for me!