AFS behavior

adam james

Active Member
Oct 5, 2023
Asian Forrest Scorpion, 4th instar, has never molted in my care (7 months).

I assume this is normal behavior, but sometimes I will notice when my scorpion is just sitting still he will be moving his chelicerae around like he is eating some kind of phantom cricket. he will also stretch his pedipalp on one side, back all the way and then put his chela in his chelicerae like he is cleaning it or trying to swallow it LOL. At first this was a bit alarming as I never saw a scorpion open its 'mouth' wide. Do they groom like this? Do they do any kind of stretching or odd movements when approaching a molt? he is approx 4th instar and is pretty plump (when looking from a dorsal view, plural membrane is well visible between the tergites). I do not overfeed, he gets 1 large cricket every 3 weeks, or a small/medium every 2 weeks. Actually, I should say I do not think I am overfeeding, as it is hard to go by the plural membrane right now since he looks like he swallowed a hot dog. Other than that, he is normal, comes out once in a while to explore at night, or just sits at the entrance to his hide with his chela wide open.


Active Member
May 10, 2022
Pictures or video of the phenomena would be great help, but it sounds like it’s just grooming. Someone with more experience in scorpion behaviors might be able to help more, but I do witness this with both my AFS and that is what I consider it to be.