Adalrich's humble picture thread


Feb 12, 2010
First, a little disclaimer: The images you're about to see were taken with an awfully bad cellphone camera. Viewer discretion is advised :D

Now that that's out of the way... I'd just like to share with you my Brachypelma smithi's first moult (in my care, that is)!

After reading dozens of threads where people thought that their first tarantula had died when it was actually just moulting, I thought to myself: Well, there's no way I'm going to panic like that, I've seen hundreds of pics & videos of tarantulas moulting!

Oh, how wrong I was... :)

Here's Hildegard ten days ago:

Here she is today, one day after moulting:

Holy crap, what a difference! :eek: She went from being brown & black to very closely resembling an adult b. smithi in a single moult! I didn't realise that they could change colours that fast.

Here's her old skin next to a 2€ coin:

I know these pics must be very boring and mundane to all of you experienced tarantula keepers, but the very first moult of your very first tarantula is an important milestone for us beginners! :D
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Feb 27, 2010
Haha! I was just as excited. My G pulchra molted for the first time in my care yesterday and it was fabulous! Thank goodness I didn't have to see it happen or I'm sure I would've been a worried wreck. When I woke up in the morning, "tada", brand new sling from what it was when I went to bed.

Word of advice: Do you have any type of photo editing program you can use? Your pics are extremely large and therefore hard to see. Make sure one side is a maximum of 800 pixels or so. :)


Feb 12, 2010
Haha! I was just as excited. My G pulchra molted for the first time in my care yesterday and it was fabulous! Thank goodness I didn't have to see it happen or I'm sure I would've been a worried wreck. When I woke up in the morning, "tada", brand new sling from what it was when I went to bed.
Despite the initial shock, I'm really glad that I happened to witness her moult. It was unbeliavably fascinating, like having something out of Discovery Channel happening right in your bedroom!

Word of advice: Do you have any type of photo editing program you can use? Your pics are extremely large and therefore hard to see. Make sure one side is a maximum of 800 pixels or so. :)
No, but I've got MS Paint! I'm a real pro :D I'll resize & reupload these.

EDIT: There, they should be a bit easier on your eyes now!
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Feb 12, 2010
Meet Sieglinde

Here's the newest addition to my family, a Grammostola rosea named Sieglinde. I got her on 12.4 (Monday), I would've posted some pictures eariler, but she's mostly been sulking in the corners, so I haven't been able to get a nice shot of her. I finally caught her drinking earlier today, however, so I snapped a photo :D

Here it is:

And here's a pic I took earlier this week. The substrate was still a bit moist, so she was climbing the walls.

EDIT: Wait a minute, I just realized that I probably could've taken a photo for sexing when she was climbing the wall! :wall:
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