Abusing animals for girls? Really?


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
So a friend went into a local pet store here because she had been researching and debating for some time to purchase the prairie dog they had. Well when she walked in, a young pet store employee was flirting with this group of trashy girls. Their mom, equally trashy, was "thinking about buying the prairie dog". She listened to some of the questions they asked. They asked if they could put it in a hamster cage. And what did the employee say? Sure it can! So my friend spoke up and said she was there to purchase him. Of course they threw a fit and everything so she said she'd been wanting him for some time and had spoken with another employee. She also threw out a lot of facts about their care and they seemed to listen. In the end, the stupid kid got the girls' numbers. So really, he was going to allow animal abuse in order to get a chick's number. That is an all time low in my opinion. He was really angry with my friend for ruining his flirting though lol.


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2009
kid doesnt care bout critters he just want a little action. i mean im a 19 year old guy and i have t's and two amazing dogs and if any girl tried messing with any of them i would tell her to hit the road.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2009
If he's willing to do that then he probably doesn't get much (or any at all) and is trying to do anything possible for some action.


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2008
Do prairie dogs really make good pets? I mean, arnt they naturally extremely social?


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2008
well i have a snake,3 Ts and water dragon and if some punk chick would try to kill them because of what they are then she is in a lot of pain.....i will abuse her like she would on my precious pets!! i would smack her in wall til her head bleeds!{D


Old Timer
May 11, 2007
Well we all know that the local pet store usually hire kids that are not knowledgeable about the animals they sell, nor care less. Whether it is the hormone challenged male or the ditzy blonde female, you're probably not going to get any real info from the help. For what they get paid, very few LPS peeps are knowledgeable. also, nothing attracts a cute girl like a soft furry animal : )


Old Timer
Oct 5, 2009
I work in one of the good LPS then. We give everyone as much correct information as we can find and if we dont know something we let them know we arent sure but try to look it up.

We have had prairie dogs and they do make pretty good pets.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
Oh god... as someone who just recently got a prairie dog in October, and already had to take him to the vet for a pinch in his spine (he healed up nicely since, but it was caused by a fall off the couch. Had pain meds, anti-inflammatory meds, etc), and considering my boy is still VERY young and he's as big as a domestic male rat? NO way in hell it could fit in a hamster cage! They're LARGE compared to most traditional rodent pets. More like a small rabbit in size than a hamster.

Also, PD's make great pets for the right people, and as long as you spay/neuter them. They go into rut otherwise and become holy demons. My boy was captive bred so he's nowhere near the right age yet to neuter, not until February or later, but normally wild caught babies are neutered by the end of october. My PD follows me around the house, craves attention, seeks me out and curls up sleeping on me all the time. He does his little yahoo-greeting every time I walk by his cage, or cough, or make the noise back, and gets along amazingly well with the two cats. And I've only had him since October....

....PD's are so incredibly social though. I hate to think of that poor thing in a tiny hamster cage getting fat off of a bad diet, then dying of poor teeth and obesity/diabetes. A LOT of people really have no clue in pet stores, and really just say whatever they can to make a sale or to sound superior. In the past I've gone into heated arguments with clueless employees before, but it just isn't worth it anymore so I shop in feed stores or the petsmart near here that only sells hamsters and nothing else as far as mammals go.