So a friend went into a local pet store here because she had been researching and debating for some time to purchase the prairie dog they had. Well when she walked in, a young pet store employee was flirting with this group of trashy girls. Their mom, equally trashy, was "thinking about buying the prairie dog". She listened to some of the questions they asked. They asked if they could put it in a hamster cage. And what did the employee say? Sure it can! So my friend spoke up and said she was there to purchase him. Of course they threw a fit and everything so she said she'd been wanting him for some time and had spoken with another employee. She also threw out a lot of facts about their care and they seemed to listen. In the end, the stupid kid got the girls' numbers. So really, he was going to allow animal abuse in order to get a chick's number. That is an all time low in my opinion. He was really angry with my friend for ruining his flirting though lol.