A very unique posture


Spoon feeder
Arachnosupporter +
Oct 26, 2017
Tarantulas from fossorials to terrestrials, and arboreals, postures from molting to hunting, relaxing, grooming, and threatening, I thought I have seen it all.

I was very wrong, I was too bold, and too arrogant to even think that I have seen it all.

Until today, until I saw my Psalmopoeus irminia doing this posture, I then again learned to be humble, and be mindful, and be open to any possibilities.


Now, with rear four legs, it was hanging it’s whole body on, while it’s abdomen and four front legs just dangling as if it was dead, and was remaining that posture for the time being.


I observed it very carefully, and as soon as I took the picture, it then quickly retrieved from the posture, and ran way to behind the corkbark where there is no light.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Can’t speak for all species but many need only 1 leg to hold onto a surface vertically


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Tarantulas from fossorials to terrestrials, and arboreals, postures from molting to hunting, relaxing, grooming, and threatening, I thought I have seen it all.

I was very wrong, I was too bold, and too arrogant to even think that I have seen it all.

Until today, until I saw my Psalmopoeus irminia doing this posture, I then again learned to be humble, and be mindful, and be open to any possibilities.

View attachment 452015

Now, with rear four legs, it was hanging it’s whole body on, while it’s abdomen and four front legs just dangling as if it was dead, and was remaining that posture for the time being.

View attachment 452016

I observed it very carefully, and as soon as I took the picture, it then quickly retrieved from the posture, and ran way to behind the corkbark where there is no light.
I’ve noticed terrestrials who think there arboreals do this behavior. I think they’re napping 😴 but who knows ??? Nodded off to sleep 💤… went from full grip to 1 leg .


Arachnosupporter +
Feb 15, 2022
Is......is that the carapace sitting in the water dish??

I'm still cracking up at the "I am hiding under my knees, except for THAT ONE, because THAT KNEE can go sit in the corner now" pose.

The good old premolt yoga - often just as silly looking as the post-molt version, if not more so. 🤪
As much as I love the "facehugger" post-most stretches, I'm right there with the "if not more so". Boy this one takes the cake though.

What I can't figure out is, how did it pull off (ha) that molt without falling straight into the water dish?! I guess maybe it...didn't :rofl: