A. Seemanni Potential Home

Nikki H

Jun 9, 2019
Hi everyone,

I'm brand new to the forum and I'm interested in getting my first T. Looking at getting Aphonopelma seemanni, from the Tarantula Canada website. They have a 3/4" sling and they also have a confirmed female 1.5". I was looking at this habitat on Amazon and was wondering if you guys think it would be ok for the smaller size and the larger size. If not I would love a recommendation on what to house them in.


Thanks in advance!

Gnarled Gnome

May 10, 2019
Looks like a well built container, but I dont know about having all the black sides. I personally prefer having more visibility. The stuff in the "customers also bought" section might be better. Also keep in mind you dont need more than about 4 times the length of the tarantula per side. Too much space, especially for slings, can make them nervous and also make it harder to feed, because the prey has more room. If you're ok with the lack of visibility though, it does look like a nice little container. Also be wary of the size of those air vents. They look like they might be big for the 3/4" sling.
I'm curious about the item description... it makes a couple references to it being used to "guard the palace" and being useful for "guarding palaces."
Am I missing something here?:rofl: I assume it's a translation error, but I cant help picturing a royal guard throwing these things at intruders who are storming the palace! Maybe with venomous spiders inside?


Arachno search engine
Old Timer
Nov 15, 2003
Hi everyone,

I'm brand new to the forum and I'm interested in getting my first T. Looking at getting Aphonopelma seemanni, from the Tarantula Canada website. They have a 3/4" sling and they also have a confirmed female 1.5". I was looking at this habitat on Amazon and was wondering if you guys think it would be ok for the smaller size and the larger size. If not I would love a recommendation on what to house them in.


Thanks in advance!
I wouldn't go with that container. While it looks neat and useful, I have a feeling that you'll quickly find that it's not well made.

For a 3/4" sling you could go with a simple deli cup with some pinholes in it, for the 1.5" female you could go with something like a reusable sandwich container. I used to keep most of my 1 to 2" tarantulas in plastic sandwich containers

Nikki H

Jun 9, 2019
Thanks everyone for your replies! I had no idea how small they were until I actually looked it up. It just doesn't seem that tiny on paper!


Arachno search engine
Old Timer
Nov 15, 2003
Thanks everyone for your replies! I had no idea how small they were until I actually looked it up. It just doesn't seem that tiny on paper!
It's not really tiny, it mostly looks like something they're trying to market for every niche hobbyist which usually means it's not great for any of them.

Nikki H

Jun 9, 2019
I meant the slings! I'm not used to inches so I was like oh yeah that's pretty big? But it's definitely not xD