A seasoned lurker and new poster has Q.


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2010
Hi. I've been lurking all over here soaking up everything and anything since I got my first tarantula on 30 Nov. She's (of course) a Grammostola rosea. She's also the 'pet rock' that's so talked about. She molted on 10 Dec. while I slept after keeping me on edge for 12 hours.:wall: She came out a beautiful 4.5 inches.{D She's been handled a total of 4 times including today and seems docile enough so far. She is the one to get me over the terrible spider fear I've always had. (My snake and rats served the same purpose successfully:clap:)
The pet store lady told me she was 6 mo. old and captive bred,which I believed until I searched furiously for pictures of a Grammostola rosea of that age to be sure, and found out an 8 mo. old is so TINY! She's probably about 3 or 4 years since she just molted to 4.5 inch and not FULLY grown yet?
I've read the Tarantulas and Other Arachnids book and purchased and read The Tarantula Keeper's Guide. After that and scouring the sexing pictures here I sexed my unknown as a certain female. Her name is Charlotte (I know,not very original, but we both like it).
My Q is we are building her a new cage (she's in a 10.5x6.5x6.5 kk with a coconut hide she likes to use alot) that is to be 16x8x8 from thick acrylic and brass fittings. I used the search and read all the threads/posts about glues and such but those are for gluing things inside the tankand constucting the basic shell. I am using aquarium glue for construction but as for the fittings I was wondering if a 2 part epoxy is safe. It will be used to attach the brass hinges, brass and crystal-look handle on the lid the brass locking hasp and the fancy brass corner pieces for around the bottom. I really don't want to hurt her by using the wrong glue and I really don't want to risk an escape by using a glue that is not effective enough.
I had a bad dream last night that I lost her in the library ( I have no idea why I would have her in a paper bag in a library:eek:)and the personnel gave me a 10% off coupon for anything there (I guess they sold stuff too) because they felt bad I was honest and told them I lost a spider in their establishment. HeeHee what's with that?! I promise all my future posts will be much shorter.


Old Timer
May 14, 2005
...yea the epoxy will work fine for the hinges and such.
just make sure you get a type that will bond plastic to metal.



Old Timer
Jan 9, 2010
Thanks. These boards have been stupendously helpful and everyone on here seems so knowledgeable. I love all the T pictures and now I can't decide if I want a B.emilia or a B. vagans now also. Are ALL the Brachys docile generally...I mean to say is a B. vagans just as docile as a smithi or emilia? I know the vagans is not as flashy but I just like it.

Also is a 1" or so sling in any of those brachys difficult to care for? I know they are slow growers but are they hardy little slow growers?
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Old Timer
Nov 2, 2007
My B.vagans is craazy. Some people have docile ones some don't.


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2009
Ya...some brachys can be a bit scetchy/skittish.....still awsome t`s!.....i recommend the B. vagans!..vevelt black,and the redest of reds....easily as flashy as smithi, or emilia....jus in its own way;).


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2010
I was looking at B.emilias too. The larger ones are out of range for me right now but I was wondering how long it is for a 1" or so sling would get to 3" or so so I wouldn't be so worried about it. I've raised many babies (human and animal) but never spiders. They just seem like they would just shrivel up and blow away if a frog farted across the street or something. The GBB and B. pulchra are gaining my interest too. Heck they ALL are!


Old Timer
Mar 17, 2009
I was looking at B.emilias too. The larger ones are out of range for me right now but I was wondering how long it is for a 1" or so sling would get to 3" or so so I wouldn't be so worried about it. I've raised many babies (human and animal) but never spiders. They just seem like they would just shrivel up and blow away if a frog farted across the street or something. The GBB and B. pulchra are gaining my interest too. Heck they ALL are!
Brachypelma slings are probably the most easy slings to raise. Good to know your addiction to tarantulas is about to explode. Just follow the Tarantula keepers guide, and the people on the boards who know what there talking about and you can raise anything from a sling.


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
Brachypelma slings are probably the most easy slings to raise. Good to know your addiction to tarantulas is about to explode. Just follow the Tarantula keepers guide, and the people on the boards who know what there talking about and you can raise anything from a sling.

I have a B. smithi I raised since it was 1/2''... It has been by far the most easiest sling to raise.. Aside from my P. murinus slings.. (Though your not asking about this SP.. I just thought I would throw that in there..) (Also I am not advicing you to get one of these just yet.. IMO its not a begginer SP.)

Their growth rate is extremely slow as you already now.. So in order for it to get to 3'' could possibly take a year or more.. I have had mine since Aug. of 09.. Got it at 1/2'' and now its right at 1.5''.. It has been well worth the wait to watch her slowly gain her adult colors..

As far as the B. vagan being as calm and docile as the B. smithi and B. emilia.. I might have to disagree.. Though I cant speak for the B. emilia since I dont have one.. But my B. vagans is alot more skittish than my B. smithi..

But as stated in a previous post.. Each tarantula is different.. They each have their very own personality...

Congrats on your new addition!! Welcome to the addiction!! :D


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2010
Thanks all. I just ordered a 3" B.vagans (the one I wanted:() for my son's Bday who turns 18 on the 15th. I ordered from Ken the Bug Guy as I've heard many great things. My son is the serious type and is leaning toward the 'look but don't touch' philosophy on spider keeping, but who knows, maybe he'll let me hold this one every so often;)

Thanks for the warm welcome. As soon as I get a decent camera and some pics I'll post them. They won't rival some of yours, but I love my little gal!

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
Thanks all. I just ordered a 3" B.vagans (the one I wanted:() for my son's Bday who turns 18 on the 15th. I ordered from Ken the Bug Guy as I've heard many great things. My son is the serious type and is leaning toward the 'look but don't touch' philosophy on spider keeping, but who knows, maybe he'll let me hold this one every so often;)

Thanks for the warm welcome. As soon as I get a decent camera and some pics I'll post them. They won't rival some of yours, but I love my little gal!
Yeah, Ken is where I got my 5 from. B. Vagans are nice looking T's.

Green Mantis

Jan 6, 2009
Are the Brachypelma alboplosum slings 3/4 of an inch easy to raise too? Or the Curly Hairs? What size food would they take? I gather it takes a long time for them to grow as well. I am looking at getting a couple of the curly slings that are 3/4 inch. Any info on the curly's would be SO helpful. Do they burrow and web up a lot? or are they out in the open more? I know they are terrestrial, but am having some problems finding out more on them. These would be FIRST for me!!! I can't believe I am going to be able to get a couple!!! Hubby didn't think he liked the idea much, but has weakened! :D


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
Are the Brachypelma alboplosum slings 3/4 of an inch easy to raise too? Or the Curly Hairs? What size food would they take? I gather it takes a long time for them to grow as well. I am looking at getting a couple of the curly slings that are 3/4 inch. Any info on the curly's would be SO helpful. Do they burrow and web up a lot? or are they out in the open more? I know they are terrestrial, but am having some problems finding out more on them. These would be FIRST for me!!! I can't believe I am going to be able to get a couple!!! Hubby didn't think he liked the idea much, but has weakened! :D
The B. albopilosum is as easy to take care of as a B. smithi.. Mine as desided it was a burrower up untill it past 2 molts and she is right at 2.5''... My B. smithi has never burrowed and has always been out in the open.. I got her at 1/2'' now she is 1.5''

I offer them both about 2-4 small crickets a week.. But that might be over-kill.. I tend to powerfeed all of my critter untill they hit 3''.. When they hit 3 inches I can offer large crickets and then it will be 1-2 a week..

Green Mantis

Jan 6, 2009
Redneck----Thanks very much for the information. Much appreciatted! I just don't want a tarantula that spends all of its time in a web. :)


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2010
Isn't it funny how it seems the ladies are getting more into the T's and the Hubbies are the more reticent ones? I think the B. albopilosum are the cutest things and would love to have one. With the zoo I have now I'm lucky I've got what I've got! Good luck,you're going to love it :)


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
Redneck----Thanks very much for the information. Much appreciatted! I just don't want a tarantula that spends all of its time in a web. :)
I can assure you.. With any of the Brachypelma SP. they wont be all tied up in the web.. They tend to just leave silk on the ground and thats about all.. Hardy Sp.. you will enjoy them..