This is sad news but i believe it needs to be said. . .my friend was picking me up some tarantulas today and was also drinking (austin,TX) and hanging w/ friends and after bringing them home w/ him for me he took his T out and and from what i understand was showing it to his friends. . .during this the T must have gotten scared and jumped about four feet to the ground. Needless to say she didn't live:8o in some wiered way i feel responsible partially. Should I? Anywho i am sad and he is devistated he had her for about 18 years> i beleive a moment of silence is needed . . .
Um, i think this friend was being irresponsible by drinking and handling the T in question, and its his fault this happened. No pity or moment of silence here, part of owning animals despite what they are is being responsible with them... and from what it sounds like, he was certainly not being responsible. Hopefully it was a lesson learned?
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