A Little About My Other Animal


Jul 23, 2012
I'm a newbie so I thought I'd share some about my other animals. I currently live with a snowshoe, Peru, who doesn't relate to other cats at all but has lived with them when I had to move back with my parents. I know when I adopted him, he was an adult and had only lived with dogs according to the shelter. He does well as an only cat, but I'd love to adopt a siamese sometime in the future. He's very friendly with other cats but seems to act that they aren't there. He's loud like his siamese cousins, but he's very friendly and rather smart. He thinks my boyfriend is his human :happy:.. Here's his pic:

And, if I talk about him, I must mention my past cat, Rocky. He moved into my first house with me last year, but two months later got extremely sick. The local vet said he was fine after a night of observation, but the next day he ended up at an emergency vet in the city at midnight. They said it was an injury and to get tests the next morning. I took him to a more advanced vet in the city the next day. Turned out he had problems with his pancreas and gallbladder. He had to have a feeding tube surgerically inserted, but I was willing to to anything since he was six years old. A couple weeks of being at the vet, he went downhill had to be put to sleep. He meant so much to me that I had him privately cremated and he has a nice memorial. I normally would never get a tattoo of the passed animal (though, I have tattoos of random artistic rats with butterfly wings lol), but I got one right above my ankle and love it. It makes me smile when I see it. Here's a pic. The thing he's holding is mink. My mom owns an antique store and had a piece of mink that he'd always carry around. I preferred something more artistic than realistic.



Old Timer
Feb 27, 2011
Peru is gorgeous. Great memorial tat of Rocky, too. From your description, sounds like Rocky had hepatic lipidosis. Like many of the endocrine diseases, very difficult to treat and prognosis can change on an hourly basis. So sorry for your loss.

Um, you haven't told Peru he is a c-a-t, have you? Siamese and their cousins don't always adhere to cat rules, or any other rules... LOL I was servant to a chocolate point Siamese queen for almost 23 years.


Jul 9, 2012
I'm not a big cat fan, I've always had the worst luck with cats. However, I feel the same way about my Chihuahua, Lucy as you do about your cat. Here's a pic of my Luc'-Dog:

And below is a pic of Chewie, who passed away two years ago. He lived to be 18 though and was a great dog!

Where does your cat sleep at night?