A Letter to Tink


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2003
Dear Tink,

Sweet, tiny bunny, I hardly know where to begin. I miss you so much. You were only in my life for 8 months, and that was not nearly long enough. While you are still very much with me, your physical absence has left an unimaginable void.

You had a rough start in life, my baby. I don’t know who it was keeping you in the trunk of a car, or for how long, but whatever the duration and circumstances, you should never have had to endure that, nor should any animal. Thank goodness the kind people from the Missouri House Rabbit Society rescued you and took you in.

You made quite an impression while you were there. They loved and adored you, of course. I also suspect that because of their overwhelming population of other foster bunnies, they probably did not get to see the full extent of your wonderful, funny personality. Fortunately for me, I got to experience it all when I adopted you.

I miss you in the mornings. You were so funny jumping up and down in your pen each time I was giving you three breakfast. It was as though you were saying “Don’t forget about meeeeee!” You did the same thing when I was handing out treats, and you were never forgotten.

I miss the top of your head and its sweet, baby fragrance. You always smelled of fresh hay and something else very tender.

I miss the way you perched on my shoulder when we’d drive around and do errands together. I’m so glad I took you on the trip this spring. It was a good bonding time for us, and you got to share your cuteness with my mom. That meant a lot to me, and to her.

I miss your happy hops and vertical leaps in my living room. You had such a good time running around and exploring! You were so cute when you’d dig at a blanket or stand upright and look all around.

I miss the funny way you’d cock your head to one side and look at me, as if to say “O hai, Mommy!” I miss your silly face, your wide forehead, your blue eye and your brown eye, and your teeny, tiny ears. I miss how you were always glad to see me.

Most of all, I think, I miss our cuddle times - your happy “tooth purring,” and your licking my face, my arms, my hands, and my neck. You gave the sweetest little kisseys! I loved the way you’d push your head into my hands to demand pets, which I always happily gave you.

Thank you, baby. You left me with so many precious memories. I only wish there could have been many more. I wish I could have saved you. I know I did everything I could to help you get well, as did your vets, but in the end, nothing was enough. That will hurt for a lifetime. I just hope you didn’t hurt for too long. You deserved the best, and I hope that the months you spent with me were as blissful for you as they were for me.

Although I am heartbroken, I also know I was lucky to have known you. You were a very special little girl. For one so tiny, you made a huge impression on all who knew you.

Tink, I will love you and miss you forever, and you will always be my Tiny.


R.I.P. Tink, Polish Dwarf Bunny, 7/15/08



Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
Sorry to here that your bunny died. Im sure that the animal rescue place you got him from has many more that they'd like you to take when your ready for another rabbit.


Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
that was a beautiful heart wrenching letter she sounded like she loved you very much as did you her. just know that she is out of pain and in a good place god bless


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2003
Thanks, guys. She was a sweetie, that's for sure.
I took a vacation day last week after she died and spent it at the local humane society in the small animal room. There were about 13 bunnies there, so I brought them an exercise pen, groomed them, and trimmed their nails. It felt good and I know they need the attention. While I was there, a little guy captured my heart and I ended up adopting him. He will never replace Tink, of course, but I sure love him. He's a Lionhead. I named him "Pouf." :) Heh. Tink would have eaten his face (she never did get along with my other two bunnies)!


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
Thanks, guys. She was a sweetie, that's for sure.
I took a vacation day last week after she died and spent it at the local humane society in the small animal room. There were about 13 bunnies there, so I brought them an exercise pen, groomed them, and trimmed their nails. It felt good and I know they need the attention. While I was there, a little guy captured my heart and I ended up adopting him. He will never replace Tink, of course, but I sure love him. He's a Lionhead. I named him "Pouf." :) Heh. Tink would have eaten his face (she never did get along with my other two bunnies)!
you have a good heart:)


Old Timer
Feb 11, 2008
That was one of the sweetest things i've ever read, sorry about your friend, sounds like you two were made for one another!

Have fun with your new friend, Tink will find a way through your new buddy to come visit you in spirit that's for sure, you're a kind and loving person, take care!


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2003
Thanks. It's been a week today, and I'm going to the vet's office sometime in the next few days to pick up her things and the mold they made of her paw print. I'm lucky to have caring, competent vets nearby.

I'd take all the shelter bunnies (and dogs and cats) home if I could. I'm sure a lot of people feel that way.


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2007
That was such a sweet letter Maggie. She was so adorable.
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Old Timer
Sep 29, 2003
One of my friends emailed me some pictures she took of Tink. Here are a couple showing how curious she was!