I just bought a white knee and it’s very skittish/ defensive. I know this is normal every spider has its own personality but mine gets extremely agitated very easily. If i move/touch its enclosure at all it starts flicking hairs. If I pour water in its bowl it kicks hairs and throws defensive poses. If I open the lid he kicks hairs and starts running. He’s fine if I leave it alone he just sits around like Ts do but any interaction comes with hairs kicked. I Just bought it a few days ago but have kept it in the same enclosure i plan on moving it soon they had nothing inside of it only substrate in which he made a little burrow. It’s about 2.5-3in long including legs. Does anyone else have experience with this species? Would a hide help? I bother him as little as possible just something I noticed. I’ve never had a t this defensive before I have a c versicolor and b albiceps and they are super chill so it’s a little change for he as well