A first for me


Old Timer
Mar 5, 2008
Getting my first green vine snake (Asian vine snake) ive done a lot of research but just want some other input form some people who have had experience with this kind of thing. Im getting it young dont know how large to be exact, but i was thinking of starting it out in a 100g screenaruim and making larger and more permanent later. Going to have a running water pond for it and lots of tree cover and vines. I was thinking a ficus plant, but not sure, can anyone suggest some good plants /vines? Also proper lighting will be provided and im aware they will mostly likely only feed on lizards but you can "train" them to eat mice has anyone had experience with this? any experienced or eucated input will help. Thank you in advance.



Old Timer
May 21, 2007
Getting my first green vine snake (Asian vine snake) ive done a lot of research but just want some other input form some people who have had experience with this kind of thing. Im getting it young dont know how large to be exact, but i was thinking of starting it out in a 100g screenaruim and making larger and more permanent later. Going to have a running water pond for it and lots of tree cover and vines. I was thinking a ficus plant, but not sure, can anyone suggest some good plants /vines? Also proper lighting will be provided and im aware they will mostly likely only feed on lizards but you can "train" them to eat mice has anyone had experience with this? any experienced or eucated input will help. Thank you in advance.

I'd do ficus and pothos if you happen to be a very lucky person they'll eat mice for you


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2003
also consider the artificial vines instead of live plants (they can be ordered on-line cheaper). You'll need to keep lizards on hand for feeding anyway. One option is to take one of your lizards and cut it open vent to throat (this can be frozen and refrozen) and rub the pink with it (the inside part) which adds lizard scent to the pink. Sometimes (with western hognoses) I've had luck offering a gerbil pink instead (if that was taken the mouse was next). Unfortunately, like cobras, often green vine snakes will never switch over so be ready to accept using lizards for life. Being thin snakes, even when large, you need to remember that unlike lizards very young mice do not climb, and the snake will seldom feed at ground level so a feeding platform would be needed. Maybe some of this will help.


Old Timer
Apr 28, 2008
i have a customer that has a few feeds them anoles..they sometimes if are wild caugt come in with mouth rote..just keep an eye on it for a few weeks..when it coms in and u should be good to go..