A death in the family


Sep 16, 2004
I am sad to announce that on of my crested geckos (shubert) died 2 days ago. I had noticed that he was getting skinny over the last few weeks, he was eating normaly but it didnt seem to have any effect. My other crested gecko shows no signs of illness, he is a good size and is very very active. I dont know exactly what was wrong with shubert but my guess is that is might have been some sort of parasite or something along those lines. If anyone has any infromation that might help please post here.

R.I.P. Shubert


Old Timer
Sep 6, 2004
You should maby get the other ones looked at just incase he passed away from internal parasites. But I dont think he would eat if he had internal parasites. Sorry to hear. : (


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2004
I lost two baby crested geckos in December. The vet was as puzzled as I was, since I suspected parasites (both were kinda thin, and one was definatelly ill, which is why it went to the vet in the first place) The other one was housed with the first one, which is why it went to the vet later, for a preventative check up. (It was leaping around, acting okay, eating, just not eating insects).

We didn't find parasites. We did however, find an abcess in the small intestine which had scarred, healed, and scarred. This casued a blockage, which lead to the gecko's death. The vet said it was something bacterial.

It's up to you about taking your gecko to the vet. If they were housed together, you should probably get a fecal done to know for sure if it was parasites. I don't have a lot of faith in the curent reptile vet I have when it comes to my geckos. I haven't seen anything wrong with my other two (I maintain pretty strict quarentinee procedures), and I would rather not see them die, when they are preferctly healthy.

Considering you said your other gecko is doing well, (eating insects, I assume?) I'm more inclined to think it may have been a blockage of some kind.