A couple roach questions


Jan 15, 2009

I impulsively bought some roaches at an exotic expo recently. (I know, I know. :embarrassed: )
They were sold to me as "death head" roaches. Wellllllllll, I've been to a lot of internet sites researching roaches and that's not what they are. The best I can tell, these are "Giant Cave Roaches". I bought them in early March and they have since molted into what I'm assuming is their adult form. I wish I'd taken pics of them before, but I'm sure those who know more about them know what they looked like prior to this.
My questions are:
1. ARE these Giant Cave roaches? and 2. How do I sex them? I've been on the internet for days literally trying to find out and the best I can get is something about some hairs between the antenna on males. I can't find anything like that and don't know what I'm looking for. A couple of them are getting tattered wings, so can I assume these are probably males that are fighting? If so, should I separate them? Hmm, I guess that was more than a couple questions. :embarrassed:
These roaches are really intriguing me. They're beautiful IMO. I wanna do the best I can for them.



Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
They look like dwarf caves to me, from what I've seen. I don't know scientific name but I'll check out my own colony and see if I can determine any difference in gender.



Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
B. fusca and B. giganteus have basically identical care needs, so I wouldn't worry too much about which is which; it's a bit difficult to tell and there's some debate as to if hybrids occur.

As for sexing, the majority of roaches can easily be sexed ventrally by looking at the body segments. Specifically, the last segment on the abdomen will be large in females and small in males. Click here for a great sexing photo.

Hope that helps :)


Jan 15, 2009
B. fusca and B. giganteus have basically identical care needs, so I wouldn't worry too much about which is which; it's a bit difficult to tell and there's some debate as to if hybrids occur.

As for sexing, the majority of roaches can easily be sexed ventrally by looking at the body segments. Specifically, the last segment on the abdomen will be large in females and small in males. Click here for a great sexing photo.

Hope that helps :)
Thank you sooooooooooo much. That is a perfect picture. :clap: Now I gotta get some gloves lol. In order to get the picture with the tape measure I got my hand sliced up. Those things aren't helpless for sure. I think my skin is just more sensitive, a dubia had me bleeding the other day also. :8o