A case AGAINST chain link fences - horses

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
In keeping with the thread A case AGAINST dog collars.

NEVER enclose a horse where there are chain link fences. The back of a horseshoe commonly extends a little beyond the hoof. If a horse rears against a chain link fence the shoe can easily get caught.
Very often the entire fence from where the hoof is caught down to the ground must quickly be cut apart as it 're-hooks' again and again. Torsion to the leg resulting in permanent lameness can happen in a few seconds. Much worse awaits a horse that is unattended for hours.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I can imagine....living in WI I see a lot of horses, but I can't say I have ever seen one kept in a chain link fence....I'm assuming this is why.