Having just the other day bought a new corn snake and never before having owned snakes I wonder if anyone could offer me some advice...
I was told that the snake is about 5 months old and that he should be fed a pinkie just once a week. I have since heard from friends that it should really have maybe two pinkies a week whilst its so young - Is this the case?
Also, on the day I bought him I handled him in the petshop no probs and when I got him home I handled him for about 15 mins as did my neighbour and my friend - again with no probs. Since then though, every time I open the tank to try to get him out his tail starts rattling and he goes to strike me! Call me a coward if you will but I havent been able to bring myself to just delve in there and pick him up as I just know he will bite me!
I know that it probably wont hurt as he's so young but never having been bitten before by a snake I'm just pretty fearful of it! I'm almost at the point where I may take him back to the shop to try to swap him for another one but I'd rather work through this and get over my fear!
Is it normal for a corn snake to want to bite you every time you go near him? I thought maybe he's hungry as he hadnt eaten for 5 days so I have just fed him another pinkie. Do you think that if I try again tomoorw he'll be full up and not want to bite me? lol
Sorry to sound so newbish, but hey - I am! ;-)
Any advice would be gratefully received!
Having just the other day bought a new corn snake and never before having owned snakes I wonder if anyone could offer me some advice...
I was told that the snake is about 5 months old and that he should be fed a pinkie just once a week. I have since heard from friends that it should really have maybe two pinkies a week whilst its so young - Is this the case?
Also, on the day I bought him I handled him in the petshop no probs and when I got him home I handled him for about 15 mins as did my neighbour and my friend - again with no probs. Since then though, every time I open the tank to try to get him out his tail starts rattling and he goes to strike me! Call me a coward if you will but I havent been able to bring myself to just delve in there and pick him up as I just know he will bite me!
I know that it probably wont hurt as he's so young but never having been bitten before by a snake I'm just pretty fearful of it! I'm almost at the point where I may take him back to the shop to try to swap him for another one but I'd rather work through this and get over my fear!
Is it normal for a corn snake to want to bite you every time you go near him? I thought maybe he's hungry as he hadnt eaten for 5 days so I have just fed him another pinkie. Do you think that if I try again tomoorw he'll be full up and not want to bite me? lol
Sorry to sound so newbish, but hey - I am! ;-)
Any advice would be gratefully received!
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