I have had a MM co-habitating with my female for a few months. I only witnessed one night that looked as if they had been messing with each other. I observed that the male had made a sperm web inside the container they were in so I was assuming they were hooking up. Well she began to get a FAT butt and I decided to move the male out. About one hour after he was gone she began to web like crazy. I opened the top one day to check on her then closed it right back. The next day I realized that two of her little toes had been pinched down by the lid and she had been stuck!!!!! I felt horrible.... I released her and she appeared to have no damage. I woke up this morning and she had finished her job!. I now have a nice egg sac she is guarding. I am just glad i realized she had been stuck and she still finished her duties! :wall: