I think i saw a video of a guy recording his arboreal T and crinkling paper in the background. the T's moved around in the video and seemed to behave oddly.
i thought it was kinda funny. so, i went over to my a avic can and crumpled some paper in the room about five feet away. my Avic flipped!
just started bolting accross the cage climbing up and down the cork bark and on the fake leaves.
felt kinda bad afterward didn't think it would cause such a negative reaction from the T.
This happen to anyone else A Avics or arboreal Ts?
i thought it was kinda funny. so, i went over to my a avic can and crumpled some paper in the room about five feet away. my Avic flipped!
felt kinda bad afterward didn't think it would cause such a negative reaction from the T.
This happen to anyone else A Avics or arboreal Ts?