I'm on autofill propane for my heater with a garauntee that it will never run out. Well it ran out today while I was at work and I think all my Ts have frozen to death. I live in Boone NC, and when I got home the inside felt like outside, no heat left - 12 degrees, -4windchill.
I got them in the truck then came back to the hotel where I work, and they've been in warmth for about 2 hours and still not moving. I rescued them one time when power went out, but it was nowhere near this cold. They didnt move for a while but when I warmed em back up, they were fine.
I think it was waaay too cold this time. I'm pretty bummed about it if they are dead, which by now, im about positive they are.
All first Ts (got within a week or two of each other), all around the size of a half dollar except hmac
A.Versi aka Ozzy
P.Subfusca aka Koopa
GBB aka Gizmo
OBT aka Wario
Hmac aka Boo

I got them in the truck then came back to the hotel where I work, and they've been in warmth for about 2 hours and still not moving. I rescued them one time when power went out, but it was nowhere near this cold. They didnt move for a while but when I warmed em back up, they were fine.
I think it was waaay too cold this time. I'm pretty bummed about it if they are dead, which by now, im about positive they are.
All first Ts (got within a week or two of each other), all around the size of a half dollar except hmac
A.Versi aka Ozzy
P.Subfusca aka Koopa
GBB aka Gizmo
OBT aka Wario
Hmac aka Boo