6 leg , 1 arm~


Old Timer
Oct 6, 2007
>< one of my 2nd instar versi had a bad molt yesterday

i ddint have the chance to take a closer look in the moring, i thought it was all good..

but when i came home at night ..i realized its still stuck on the molt.

and no way that he will get it out him self..

so i pulled it out T_T....

but now is missing and R3, L2 and right arm( dont konw what its call )..

it doesnt seem to be bleeding ..

dont want to use super glue on such a small sling @@ it will be messy..

:8...it still seem very active ...but hope it will get better


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2006
As long as you're not seeing bleeding I would not worry about it. Not much you can do. Your sling will regenerate missing legs in future molts.


Old Timer
Jun 23, 2007
I had a 2nd instar psalmopoeus cambregdei sling break a few legs. It died a few days later.


Old Timer
Oct 6, 2007
hope my little versi will make it ....

ganan go check on it when i get home later


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008
on a brighter note i have an obt sling that lost two legs to one molt
and now hes bigger than all the other obts i have
so now hes head honcho!:D

hope you t fares as well as mine:worship:

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Don't worry about it.

I had a Baumgarteni loose his front 2 legs and pedipalp on his left side.He got his legs out by himself.But thay were all twisted up and he droped them
a 2 or 3 days latter.He had promblems standing.Sometimes he would tilt
foward and rest on his fangs to support himself.He was less then 1" and
couldn't move around to well.I put him in a small vial that was less then 1.5".
So pinheads could not avoid him.He would wait for the pinhead to get right in
front of him and jump at it using his back legs.He hardly ever missed.Then he
would use the cricket as support.To stop himself from falling over foward.A
month later he moulted and his legs were about 3/4 of the size thay should be
Then a month later he moulted again and was 100%.You couldn't tell he ever
had a problem.90% of the time moulting problem are caused by dehydration.
Thay might not look or show it.When thay go into premoult allways make sure
thay have water.Water collects between the old and new skins and if there is not enough.Thats when thay have problems.It happens to all tarantula
keepers.The more bugs you got the harder to keep track.Put your T in a
smaller container and wait at least a week bebore you feed him.It will make it
alot easier for him to catch food.

PS:I don't know how big your T is.If it over 2" give him a water dish.If he is smaller put
him vial with nothing else.Then put a few drops of water by him.If he drinks the water put
more until he has enough.Then put damp coco soft or paper towel and keep an eye on
him.As long as you don't see him loosing fluid.He should be alright.I wasted all time.I sorry
I missed that it was a A.Versicolor.Just misted his web 1 time a week and he will be fine.
Thay don't know what a water dish is.Thay drink off there web.Either rain that collects on
there web or morning dew.My Versi's never drink from a water dish.Because I don't keep
one in there tank.I use a spray bottle and mist there every week or 2.

Satellite Rob
Email - satelliterob5@aol.com
Phone - 954-263-6238
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