3 new slings!


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
I just got 3 new slings in yesterday! A 3/4" LS P. irminia (speedy little guy!) who seems to have made an invisible burrow to hide in overnight (I occasionally get to see a blur of movement to the ground when I walk in, but no evidence of where its hiding, lol), a 1" LS A. genic sling (can't wait to feed this one, I hear they are like vacuums with food!), and a 3/4" LS G. pulchra sling - finally got another one to replace my sling who died a while back. They all seem really healthy and are settling in well. I haven't gotten a good picture of the pulchra sling yet, because it likes to stay in its hide alot of the time (though I've seen it out a couple times), but I have a couple pictures of the other 2. Enjoy!

A. Genic.

P. Irminia