Midnightrdr456, here are the pics of my 05 Male from the Tri-Max Pastel Litter. He was pretty dark the day I took these and the sun was not in the best place for pic taking.
beautiful, looks alot like the pictures i got of the one im getting. Arrives tomorrow around 10:30, ill post pics as soon as I get a chance to take some nice ones.
Thanks for posting those for me to see, also I cant thank you enough for all the help you've given me in regards to everything.
How thick is he right now? Always tough for me to tell in pictures, have any with you holding him or similar to that?
Anytime, I have alot of respect for people who really do their research before purchasing an animal. I think you will greatly enjoy your new boa. Ken is a great guy and has some aswome snakes. I can try to get some size comparison shots for you this evening. He is just about ready to take small rats. So I assuming he is the same size as yours.
Did you get a chance to Join Ken's forum. That way he can see updates. I don't think he will be posting here anytime.
Its in the plans. This past season went all down hill for us. We moved right in the middle of things and had 2 females deliver prematurely. It really was stressful on them. So things are settle for this coming season. Its basically a new venture for us. Everything I have no was purchased elsewhere and not produced by us. I picked this girl up when she was only a few months old. I love her to death. She was slate gray as a baby not a drop of color. She has really blossomed into a beauty.
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