User ¥AMEON and Friends


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009

Only got 1 T so far and it is an Avicularia Avicularia.
Alas i thought i make a Thread for her and her Adventures,
Building project's and whatnot's here.

She is a very calm, patient and Relaxed Lady .. found that
amazing as i heard the Avicularia Avicularia Species would
be a Jumpy and nervous Species ... as it is it is i who are
the jumpy one l.o.l

Her name is: The lady

Here is a Picture of her just moved in to her new Home.
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Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] The Lady (Exploring) [¥]

Here she was out Exploring a bit.

She had also begun to web a little, as can
be seen on the leaves in the background.
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Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] The Lady's Leaf hammoc [¥]

The Lady's Leaf Hammoc

I found it humorous when i saw what she had done here ... she
had suspended a Leaf in mid'air by anchoring it with webbing to
the Terrarium Sides .. the leaf itself would otherwise not been
able to support her weight .. and like so she lies on it resting ..
The pose dont seem too confy to me, but i guess she is of
anouther opinion.

She had also begun to do a lot of more Webbing at this point.
Photo was taken on Week 2 of her moving in.
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Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] The Lady (Web 1'st Week) [¥]

She made this web on the later part of
the First week when she moved in.


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] The Lady (Web: Early 2'nd Week) [¥]

After she (And i later on as i had to open the door)
wrecked her 1'st web on the left side of the
Enclosure ... she made this new web with included
hammoc on the Right side of the Enclosure.

The Hammoc lasted 1 day till she wrecked it .. but
it looked real confy .. i wouldnt mind sleeping like
so ^^
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Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] Guest's of The Lady [¥]

On week 2 i found out she had a pet Snail in there.
No idear how it got in but i suspect it must of come
with the Flowers i got from the FlowerShop.

Hope it dosent damage my Plant's much, as i like it.
If it does then i guess i'll have to Re'locate it to the


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] The lady (Preparation's of a larger web) [¥]

She started building a more large'Scale web here.
Looked a bit Scruffy at first .. but over time it
begun to take shape .. This is how it looked after
she had been at it for 2 day's.
trouble with this construction is that she prefer's
to be up'front and like so web's the Door's shut ..
Perhaps there is a message in it to me l.o.l

Lower picture is a detail Study of the Lefthand
Corner of the enclosure.
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Old Timer
May 9, 2008
that's such a nice setup.
what a lucky a.avic!


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009

Why thanks there Koh_.
And yep ..
i aim to Spoil her a bit =P


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] The Lady And her BatCave [¥]

Above:Some SideShots Through the Glass
in to her BatCave.

Below:Some shot's in to her Cave with
the Right front door opened .. it's the only one
of the 2 door's i can open theese day's.

The lady made herself a BatCave up top
in her Terrarium .. Had her for roughly a
Month now and this is how her Home
look's like theese day's.
She has been real industrious for a week
now, and dosent do anything but tinker
on her web when she's active.

Look's Cozy up there ^^ allmost wish
there was room for me with Sleeping
Bag and my stack of magazines l.o.l
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Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] Precious [¥]

Thought i'd Present the one Arachnid that got me
in to this Hobby.
It's not a Tarantula however, so i hope none does
mind if i stray slightly off'topic ^^

Saw this little thing scurrying about on the Floor
of my Secret Room as i was in there doing some
Reading .. and i immidiately was thinking:
"Oo .. That's interesting .. must try to catch it!"

It belong's to the Gnaphosidae Zelotes family of
Arachnid's ... havent been able to PinPoint the ID
more than so .. also came to beleve it was a male
upon some inspection of it's pedipalp's.

Personal name: Precious.

Precious, Rummaging around outside his lair.

Perhaps he's thinking of trowing all the junk
out of it .. as it was full of Dinner left'over's.

Precious Patroling his Domain.

Precious "That's the Spider's Name" (And me) having a bit of a Tug'o'War ...
was trying to harass it gently with a piece of String to get the little one in to
some good position's for some Photos .. alas he seemed mildly amused by
that and it was very tricky ... so i thought i'd dip the String in some water
and he may get a Drink out of it as payment ... then he seemed much more

It resulted in a bit of a Tug'o'War.

Same Method as Above, But with a Red String.

[Additional Info]:
When i found this little one it was a bit
"Worse for Wear" .. tryed to give it some water
But it reacted to the drop of water it found as it
had just found the most repulsing thing in the
World ... later on i was Drinking some StrawBerry
lemonade, and thought:
"What the Crudd .. may as well"
So i put a drop of StrawBerry lemonade near it.
When it found it, it Stuck to it like Glue .. and when
finished, it roamed about as if looking for more ...
Test Result:
None can resist StrawBerry Lemonade ^^

Feeding it seemed a more tricky matter however.
It rejected all prey Item's i presented.
Tryed:WoodLice:Centipedes:Beetle Larvae:ant's.
It would on occation jump on to a potential prey
item but didnt seem to "Follow Through" with the
Attack and later discard it as "un'interesting"
in an unharmed state.

Only when i later on decided to try presenting
one of the numerous House Spider's in the Area
did i have any success ... it jumped on it and
Followed Through with the Attack with a Ferocity
and determination i had not witnessed before ...
Not sure if this is due to General Antisocial
behaviour toward's other Spider's or if it actually
does specialize as a Spider hunter ... did not find
much info about this type of Spider's on the Web,
Besides photos,Measurement's,Anatomy Studyes,
zones of inhabitat and one place i found some
Information on that some member's of the
Gnaphosidae Family did specialize on specific prey
such as ant's and Spider's ... however it did not go
in to any detail on what specific memer's of the
Family did what.

[Captive Bahaviour and Enclosure Setup]:
Used sand as Substrate .. had seen one of the same
type of Spider on a Sand Beach when visiting an
isle when i was out at sea .. and so thought i
would try a similar setup ... added some Rock's and
Straw's for hiding and Climbing.

He did eat and drink well as far as i could tell.
Fed it once a week, and when fed it returned to
it's Cave with Prey and i didnt see it for 2-3 day's
till it came out to Patrol again .. Gave it an
Attitional Drink in form of Drop's of Water Drops on
a Rock every 3'rd day .. At this later stage it would
accept normal water .. only Gave it Lemonade once
as a welcome Drink l.o.l

[Side Note]:
If anyone knows anything more about this type of
Spider's .. i would greatly apreciate any additional
information =)
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Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] ^^ [¥]

Thanks there Mattyb.

Bit new to taking Photos, he he.
But im trying my worst. :D


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] The Curious Lady [¥]

Took some pictures today when i had to get in
to her Enclosure for Plant maitenance.

Strange how brightly her web shines under
the UW light in a photograph.

This time she got Curious as to what was going
on, and started an investigation .. perhaps she
was attempting to track down the one that had
been destroying part of her Lair on a daily

Allmost felt she was looking at me, at times, as if to say:
" Now look at this mess .. was it you who did this? .. you %&#¤!! "


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] The lady's new old Clothes [¥]

The Lady hadnt been eating for a few week's.
Thought it was due to me giving her a snack
or 2 many l.o.l ... but i wasnt overly worryed
as she seemed to be in good condition ...
Moving about now and then .. Drinking
Water, Going to the ladies room and so on.

Then this morning i came to find this.

She had molted ^^
And she seemed to have done so without
the least of complication's.
Im so Proud of her ^^ He He He.

Hope she didnt mind me Sneaking up on
her to take a few pictures.


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] More New Old Clothes [¥]

Her old Suit.

Her new Suit.

"AaaahrGgH!! ... no more photos! .. Grrrr"

Back on Track and eating again
after her Molt ... Strong she is.

Not the best shot of her Eating,
but she was giving me the
Evil Eye .. so i didnt dare
taking more Photo's.


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] Even more pictures of the Lady [¥]

The lady was out Exploring her domain.



Have been studying a lot of
pictures on Avicularias ...
And she dosent realy look
like the Stereotypical
Avicularia Avicularia .. any
second opinion's on that
would be apreciated.
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Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] Anyhows [¥]

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Video Time.


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] TopDown [¥]

TopDown Shot of her HighTech lair.

TopDown Shot of the Lady just outside her Lair.
I suspect this to be her Hunting Spot.

Species: Avicularia Avicularia