...of common problems with advice on how to avoid them. It also recommend things that are subjective with authority, such as them being communal or requiring a 20 gallon tank. And it falls back on strict feeding schedules when monitoring body condition is much more accurate and better. AI care...
...water dish regularly.
Regularly check for signs of health issues and adjust the enclosure’s environment as needed.
Additional Information
Communal housing: Emperor scorpions can be housed communally, but ensure there are enough hiding spots and monitor for signs of aggression. It is...
...Keep the enclosure clean to prevent infestations. Remove uneaten food and clean the water dish frequently.
Additional Information
Communal housing: Although it’s possible to house multiple Gigantometrus swammerdami together, ensure they are similarly sized and that the enclosure is large...
I have experienced this with Tegenaria domestica, I attempted a communal with 3 but only a male and female remained. They seemed to tolerate each other though 🤷. Definitely not communal though.
Its the wild. Its not communal. They tolerate each other. They are not sharing the same intimacy.
Maybe they hatched and adopted that space.
@darkness975 might shed more light.
I have seen tons of species in close quarters at the cottage house. They are at respectable distances.
Theres a...
I have a communal of five M. balfouri juveniles. I recently noticed that during the molt of one spider, all of them decided to stay underground in the tunnels for a few days until the molter was done molting. I found this behavior extremely fascinating and am wondering if anyone else has...
Yeah, my biggest fear is misinformation which is why I try to do as much research as I can, and ask before I do. I appreciate your warning on the animal trenders over animal lovers. I am always rooting for what is best for the animal, not what is the easiest. (Like the people who don’t have...
...careful of are people parroting info but have no experience, or read from the internet that a certain species is semi-arboreal or that it's "communal", They accept said info as fact because they see "everyone" on the net saying such things as if they are FACT, when in fact they are FALSE or...
I think a lot of confusion and speculation occurs with communal.
living extra close is one thing. Living in the same tunnels/hide is completely different. Perhaps this is where lies some errors in thoughts when certain species are brought up to be communal.
I watched and read way to many...
...was more a situation of forced co-existence than living together by choice.
I think I also saw a YouTube video of someone who attempted a communal enclosure of Poecilotheria metallica years ago, but this was under the pretense of an experiment (a very expensive one), not a permanent setup...
...of subsocial behavior as newly hatched spiderlings. As the baby spiders are vulnerable, they will group together with mom, feed, and live together. At some point the baby spiders will leave the protection of “home” and seek their own territory. That is about all you can expect as “communal.”
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