Search results for query: communal

  1. margoo


    Hi guys! I was planning on getting an M.balfouri on communal set up. Can you guys pls give me a tips on how they won't eat each other or any other guides rather than that. Any tips will help thankyou!
  2. parabuthus

    G. Swammerdami enclosure?

    FFS, just noticed my typo: Fossorial or even terrestrial, not arboreal 😂😂😂 The tank looks arboreal. Apologies, but I had a brain injury 7 months ago 🤦🏻‍♂️
  3. darkness975

    How to care for Steatoda eggsack ?

    If you leave them together they will start to cannibalize within a day or so. I do this intentionally with some of my Latrodectus (black widow) sacs but if your intention is to keep every specimen alive then separate them within 24 to 48 hours. When you separate them into their own deli...
  4. KristianDobias

    How to care for Steatoda eggsack ?

    Oh Thanks very much for visualization ^ ^ So they are communal for some time or do you separate them as soon as possible ?
  5. darkness975

    How to care for Steatoda eggsack ?

    Pull the sac in a couple days and you can use a 32 oz deli cup with cloth covering so they can't escape. If the eggs are viable they will hatch within the month at normal room temperature.
  6. KristianDobias

    How to care for Steatoda eggsack ? room temperature ? 5, How to care for Steatoda spiderlings in general (enclousure, best food, moisture etc.) ? 6, Are the spiderlings communal and if so for how long ? Thanks Everyone Very much for any advices (In the images is the mother Steatoda bipunctata in her enclousure with the...
  7. parabuthus

    G. Swammerdami enclosure?

    As already mentioned, for the species you have purchased, and presuming they will be communal, you should have a large enclosure with a large floor space. These scorpions are not only huge when fully grown, but as mentioned, they are arboreal, meaning they like to dig burrows and chambers. That...
  8. TheraMygale

    My female M. Balfouri dropped a sac.

    if it works with one species, but not the others… i think its something. A predisposition for survival adaptation. And survival can also be thriving.
  9. Arachnopotamus Rex

    My female M. Balfouri dropped a sac.

    ...always spending lots of time outside their burrows/corkbarks, even my fossorials). Definitely a great info source. I'd imagine that wild communals, if they happen, would be webbed tunnel networks underground or in trees. But we may just be expanding the mother/babies communal relationship...
  10. TheraMygale

    My female M. Balfouri dropped a sac. here. you recieved a lot of good advice. Daves will be similar and insightful. You can’t go wrong with his advice on this species. the communal of M balfouris, is a result of breeding attempts. It was observed to be more successful. I have posted a link on a certain paper about this...
  11. viper69

    My female M. Balfouri dropped a sac.

    1. I personally know a breeder who had 3 generations in the same tank- not necessary to my knowledge to do so 2. Yes the island is arid. The trees get moisture from clouda if I recall. However humidity in the burrow could likely be different than ground level.
  12. Arachnophobphile

    My female M. Balfouri dropped a sac.

    I don't know I never paired T's nor am I interested in doing so anytime soon. I tried to provide a good link to help. Give it a little while the experienced breeders will reply to you.
  13. Arachnopotamus Rex

    My female M. Balfouri dropped a sac.

    ...when to pull and turn the sac and what to do with it, I thought for M. Balfouri you leave it in since she will care for them and they are communal. They are also an arid species so is 70% humidity really needed for eggs?, and they don't make traditional round sacs that they can carry, but...
  14. CentiPete

    G. Pulchra always on sides of enclosure

    This. I was absolutely thinking the OP was referring to two separate animals until I read further in the thread and found english teacher explain the world to me (and others) Edit: @APrism94, I was never replying to you, I was originally simply referring to the line of the english teachers post...
  15. APrism94

    G. Pulchra always on sides of enclosure

    Yet everyone else seemed to understand my question and answered it without issue…. Agree to disagree on this one chief.
  16. Andrew Clayton

    G. Pulchra always on sides of enclosure

    Think it's just making things confusing where there is no need for it. Like if I was talking about a single monocentropus balfouri and referred to it as they people would assume it was a communal setup. Well at least I would
  17. NathanB

    Communal Beetle Larvae?

    ...I currently keep a small group of Chlorocala conjux which were together for months as larvae and got along fine. I love to keep and breed communal species, so which other beetle species can be kept like this? I heard most flower beetles, any rhinoceros beetles or stags at all? For some more...
  18. Charliemum

    Oliver The Coconut Crab

    Wow so much info, thank you for answering ! I am so glad Oliver is doing well and has moulted again 😊. They really take up that much space to breed...that is quite amazing, I just assumed with him being a crab it would be easy, who knew lol. Thank you not only for sharing but for the info too...
  19. Scolopendra55

    Oliver The Coconut Crab able to determine Oliver is a male by the absence of both gonopores and pleopods. 5: I have no plans for acquiring a female. They’re not communal like typical, terrestrial hermit crabs. So, I would need to set up another massive enclosure to house them separately. The only real reason to...
  20. Andrew Clayton

    I'm about to start an M. Balfouri communal setup

    Yeah how wrong was I lol. 4 years since I've been on here. Contradicting myself here now though as I have a balfouri communal with over 40 in it lol and it's amazing. I will say though I think there the only real communal species, as I've had canabilism with P met and N incei. Sorry for my...