Not a search for communal, search balfouri and 90% of the ones against it have never kept one. So they can’t speak first hand, they can only assume due to other species. Balfouri are different. Even a search here will result more success than fails. Don’t speak for everyone, I have had 2...
Imagine you have 100 slings. Imagine how much easier it is to move them all if you are selling 10 at a time, or 5.....
because they are cheap overseas you see folks across the pond doing communals of P. mets. Hardly anyone in America would risk what are very expensive here to experiment
Ahhh, yeah I remember seeing on a few dealer sites marketing the communal deals. I guess all to make a buck.
Seems lately a lot of new post popping up on communals by new keepers. It's sad because everyone else knows there is a high probability of tarantulas dying. sites and because dealers can turn a $50 sale into a $250 sale.
none of us are trying to prove we are right. Just do a search for communal here and go through all the threads. Everyone here is simply stating what they have seen repeatedly over the last decade.
We understand why people...
until you throw a bunch of roaches into a communal set up and see 12+ little monsters come out of nowhere to feed you won't understand why we keep communals. it's possibly one of the coolest things I have ever seen in this hobby. a lot of you are spending a whole lot of time and words trying to...
yes, it has helped their popularity and it has helped dealers move them 5 at a time ($$$) When I am at shows I sell them s singles. People ask "They are communal, yes?" My reposes is typically "They are until they aren't"
and AGAIN, I would LOVE to be proven WRONG. Just hasn't...
...the survivors better chances of survival in the harsh environment they are adapted to.
i am not even against other people keeping them as a communal, hoping to see some of the interactions between individuals and behaviors somewhat unique to them.
personally i just don't have any interest in...
If you are giving a group of tarantulas the space equivalent to a decent sized room then you cross the line between communal into free-range. Your permitting of 2 feet of space, which I am assuming is 2 feet in any direction from the opening of a hide or burrow, is about the amount of space the...
So post me photos/threads /blogs of a thriving ADULT communal that has lasted years.
Every notion of them living on top of each other laughs in the face of millions of years of evolution. Animals tend to need "feeding zones" which they typically defend violently.
Happens in grazing animals as...
12’x8’ is pure ridiculous. They do great in close quarters. Majority of the negativity comes from people who have never kept balfouri as a communal. There is enough posts about interactions with each other to build a plausible case that they can thrive as a communal and even in some cases better...
Okay so here's a note from us old timers. We have seen a ton of "Doing a communal" where we advise against it and they do it anyway. In the first several months the keeper is puffing their chest out and telling us how stupid we are and how rad their communal is, and sending lots of photos. Once...
I let them cannibalize until their number gets down to what I want it to be. It depends on how many slings you want to care for.
I don't care for them at all during that time. I don't open the container until I am ready to separate them.
...(sorry xD)
When you let the spiderlings canibalize how long do you let them canibalize before separating them (like to which molt) ?
How does that "communal" enclousure for them look like ?
And can I ask how do you care for them during that period ?
Thank You for answers in advance ^ ^
In my experience Balfouri only seems to be very heavy webbers in a communal setup, so if you're going for a single spider I'd go for the murinus.
H. Pulchripes is also a heavy webbers if you're looking at the African baboon Tarantulas.
Beginner species though I'd say C. Cyaneopubescens
Cannibalism in M. balfouri has been observed at every stage, from Prelarvae (eggs with legs) to adults.
For every communal that "works" there is another that doesn't.
That said if you absolutely must go the communal rout there is nothing that we can do to stop you. The chances for sucess will...
By keeping them separate and not communal.
There are MANY threads on here about this very subject. You would benefit from doing a bit of research by searching through those very threads.
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