I screwed up while transfering this sling and 3 others and mixed up container lids. This sling is either a red rump or a B. Vagans or an Aphonopelma seemani. I will likely have to wait to see bah
yeah thats what I meant...typo there bah again lol...ty hehe@WillyNilly418
thank you very much...6 years collecting T's and its the first time I did this lol...thank you for your help. Did you rqise yours from a sling? Ive never seen an abdomen get so dark I am wondering if its getting ready to molt or if its just its normal for this type. I will.look on line now that I know what it is. Thank you kindly and have a good day!
Mine is currently a sling about 1 inch and mines abdomen is starting to darken. It's very common in B. Vagans and A. Seemani to darken before a molt my A. Seemanni always gets a dark butt before a molt.
Oh good to know ty..we also have an A.seemanni sling. We went from 2 T's to 8 in a week or so. A friend of mine was selling off her collection and then we took in 3 T's that were seized for being shipped illegally in 2 litre pop bottles there were 17 all crammed into the same bottle just rolled in paper towel. My friend got the while lot of them and sent 2 adult curly haired and a sling L.parahybana to me. They were all really dry but lived. Anyway it will be nice to see the slings grow...thanks again. Cheers
@TheSanguineSaint B. vagans is one of my favorite species - I've raised more than I really remember. They start showing coloration at around the 1" mark, and they're fast growing. The dark patch doesn't really mean anything, just about all NW slings have it. It's where their urticating setae are/will be.
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