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Was brought as a pulchra. Not pulchra. So what is this 3.5 inch male?
Adorable, that's what it is. oh, you mean species? No, I don't have a clue. Call it Theraphosidae sp. Adorable. Sell the offspring for $500 a pop. jk, hope somebody is more helpful than me.
Do you think it's not pulchra because it's not all black? IIRC pulchra can go brownish when approaching a moult, also some pulchra will be browner than others, it's just variation.
No I don't think it is a pulchra because I talked to three T breeders who breeds pulchra and they all told me 'that is not a pulchra'. The forelegs on this T has stayed that color since it was a sling so far regardless of where it was on the molt cycle. Also the triangular shape where the eye are is not a trait pulchras have.

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