I bought this tarantula today in an attempt to have it ID'd, it was labeled as a Vagans at the store. My friends said it could be a mislabled Lasiodora Parahybana, or a Tliltocatl Sabulosum
Yeah, doesn't really look like vagans to me.
Could it be an Acanthoscurria?
Doesn't look like Lasiodora to me either.
Could be sabulosum, I'm not too familiar with them.
On first glance I thought of Eupalestrus campestratus, or PZB, but unsure of it's size, and it's a bit dark in the femurs to be E. camp. + maybe 20% too fuzzy.. Lasiadora are pretty leggy and grow decently fast.
I'm sure by tonight, a few ppl will have a good answer for you
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