Tiltocatl khalenbergi
The Spider House

Tiltocatl khalenbergi

Relaxing after some Khalenbergi kinky time 😉
Beautiful ! How can you tell these from vagans, sabulosus or epicureanus ? They all look so similar to each other.
Beautiful ! How can you tell these from vagans, sabulosus or epicureanus ? They all look so similar to each other.
They look similar but are actually different in pattern, colour of red , and how much red is on them 😊
Beautiful ! How can you tell these from vagans, sabulosus or epicureanus ? They all look so similar to each other.
Without spermathecae, visually it can be hard for these "red rump" types, but typically IME:
khalenbergi has a copper/gold shimmer to the carapace which hopefully has come though on this pic;
vagans have little/no additional carapace colour and is mainly black which can also extend into the outer fringe of the carapace,
epeicureanus has a distinct black looking circle at the back end of the abdomen where it looks like the red satae do not exist;
sabulosus have a more orange colour to the satae on the abdomen and do not have the copper sheen on carapace.

Can be difficult tho and I suspect within the hobby there is some inevitable hybridisation of the "red rump" Tiltocatl.

Hope that helps a little. 😊

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