I'm not super experienced in this, forewarning. This is just what's worked for me.
I keep them in a large, flat container. The kind that slides under the bed. I've found that these don't really burrow, they stick to the top 1-2" of substrate. Very minimal ventilation. I feed the isopods leaf litter and the springtails slices of mushroom. A small seed culture of springtails explodes very quickly. Prolific breeders, they are.
@EulersK I did get a small culture of 100 and divided them into 4 minor cultures so I could experiment on what foods they'll prefer from what I have. 1 of the cultures is practically dead while the others look like they are barely holding on. I'm thinking of just mixing them into 1 major culture again so maybe they can do better. I really have no idea what is going on.
@Stugy Then I have no idea, I'm sorry. Have you made a thread in the insect subforum?
@Jeff23 Nope, just mushrooms at the grocery store! Just be sure to wash them, of course. I was chopping them up at first, but I found that wasn't needed at all.
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