Thank you 14pokies. Not my hopes, but it will still be a nice looking spider. Do you think my other two are females? I think they look a bit different, but it could be that he is a molt behind my other two.
Are you willing to take a look at my third one. I am thinking female, only because I cant really see much of a difference between the one you said was a female and the other. Just for clarification, I posted three Brazilian Blues. You sexed two for me, one female and one male. I am hoping you would sex the third for me as well. I appreciate it. I have been caring for Ts for years, but I have never understood what I am looking for and why.
Thank you, Jon
Thank you 14pokies. Not my hopes, but it will still be a nice looking spider. Do you think my other two are females? I think they look a bit different, but it could be that he is a molt behind my other two.
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