sold as avic avic. yeah no!

sold as avic avic. yeah no!

I have no clue what this avic is for sure which is why im posting it here. I just think she is pretty.
Yeah. John apple thinks they are the same as the ones he has. If they are,I have one adult female and a sub-adult female. I didnt post it to be IDed but because I am not sure of its ID I posted it here. I just like her. She is cool to watch.
Looks like an Avic. avic in need of a molt to me. People posts these premolt Avics pics all the time, only to be disappointed when they molt into the appearence of what they were sold as. Post a pic after it molts (which makes it much easier to determine) if you still think you are one of the lucky few who do get an uncommon Avic. sold as Avic Avic.
sorry CEC but you incorrect i found out from oxford university Avic Avic. and the ones we have are totally different. avic. avic. from sling are blue but this ones are like the color of the pics and yes they look like avics but when they mature the hairs are different. im about to send 2 to make a DNA mapping on this other ones. results will be soon whit us.
You sent this specimen or a known sac mate to oxford university?? I would like to see a pic of a freshly molted AF. Hope your right, it would be nice to see a new Avic. for a change.
I send one of my male die afther 5 months molt mature (death) and a female that die before molt mature whit the same colors of the one in the pic. If you wanna see new avics. Just wait I have some surprises :)
And...? Based off that pic, please point out the difference between this specimen above and Avic Avic. I do not see any difference between the Avic. pictured above and an Avic Avic in need of a molt.

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