Sexing Tliltocatl albopilosus

Sexing Tliltocatl albopilosus

Hello guys, I'm curently learning to sex T's. I think this Tliltocatl albopilosus juvi is a girl because of the little split at the epigastric furrow. Can someone please confirm me? And if not explain why.
Knowing how big it is would be helpful, but I'm leaning towards female, too. The longer hairs that come down to form a mustache along the lip of the epigastric furrow are a female trait, and those will likely turn white or gray as it gets larger, like this:

Males generally will not have those longer setae, but instead will have a short, dense patch of darker hairs (epiandrous fusillae) just anterior of the epigastric furrow. Here's a good example of that:

Of course, always confirm by examining a molt, because even the ones that look obvious can trick you sometimes!
The dark coloration threw me off a little, too, but I think the other characteristics are more female-ish. Hopefully the OP will update this once it molts!
Knowing how big it is would be helpful, but I'm leaning towards female, too. The longer hairs that come down to form a mustache along the lip of the epigastric furrow are a female trait, and those will likely turn white or gray as it gets larger, like this:

Males generally will not have those longer setae, but instead will have a short, dense patch of darker hairs (epiandrous fusillae) just anterior of the epigastric furrow. Here's a good example of that:

Of course, always confirm by examining a molt, because even the ones that look obvious can trick you sometimes!
Thanks NMTs for the reply, this T is a little over 2in in legspan, just like the male in the second picture. Last Molt i tried to sex with the naked eye but didnt seen anything. I upgraded to an microscope and will wait till the next molt.
Sorry, I must not have seen that one when you posted it! That is definitely female. That brown band going between the forward set of book lungs is the spermathecae and uterus externus, typical for this species.
Thanks for the clarification. When I checked the molt i did not found a flappy spermathecae and thought it will be eather to small to check without a microscope or a boy.
Great news! 🥳

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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samsung SM-G991B
Focal length
5.4 mm
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File size
1.6 MB
Date taken
Tue, 30 January 2024 6:21 PM
4032px x 3024px

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