@Moakmeister until it's not. S dehaani has a worse bite that pretty much every tarantula out there. You might make them more tolerable. You will never truly "train" it to be handlable. It's Russian Roulette. There are OW T's out there that get handled without incident. It just takes one bad day to ruin things.
No, you legitimately can. I handled my Scolopendra morsitans, which was formerly quite jumpy, on a very regular basis for over a year before he died of old age a few weeks ago. Never a single sign of aggression. The same is happening for my large Ethmostigmus rubripes, and E. rubripes are nearly as aggressive as dehaani. I suggest you search the_centipede_whisperer on instagram. He's done some amazing stuff with a huge variety of pedes.
@Walker253 centipedes are far more intelligent and have a better sense of smell than tarantulas. They can learn to recognize their owner and learn that he's not a threat.
Have a look at Mastigoproctus' Instagram (you might have to scroll down a bit; most of the best handling vids were from a little while ago).
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