

But I see two little dots here or it is just my imagination
I don't think those dots have anything to do with the sex of this specimen. At 1.5", you'd likely need to look at this with stronger magnification (like a microscope) to see anything definitive. It looks like there may be a little flap there, but it's too blurry to tell for sure.
I don't think those dots have anything to do with the sex of this specimen. At 1.5", you'd likely need to look at this with stronger magnification (like a microscope) to see anything definitive. It looks like there may be a little flap there, but it's too blurry to tell for sure.
Thanks. thats all the information I need. what size do you reckon will the spermatche be visible?
Thanks. thats all the information I need. what size do you reckon will the spermatche be visible?
With the naked eye, probably around 2.5". With a simple pocket microscope you could see them now of they're there.

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Spermathecae sexing (Molts)
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