Peocilotheria regalis molt

Peocilotheria regalis molt

Just thought I'd share a photo of a freshly mounted P. regalis molt. With extreme care and patience, it is very possible to stuff the abdomen to almost its original shape.
Beautiful! I always wanted to put one of these in resin, but that sounds difficult.
Thank you!
@bryverine @Abyss @spiderdude88 I did not use any moistening agents here. The molt was still very fresh (the spider must have molted early in the morning). The first stage is also the hardest - stuffing the abdomen. I first open all the folds gently, then I prepare small (and I do mean small, 5-6mm diameter) cotton balls and begin stuffing, starting from the rear end (spinnerets) and moving towards the carapace area. I don't get to do this often because I keep only a couple of tarantulas, so every time I try something different. This time I found that it is easier to control the density and shape of the cotton balls if I wet them during the stuffing process using an eyedropper. Once I have the whole abdomen filled, I lay over the top "skin" of the abdomen and slowly stretch it to avoid any folds and to cover the cotton. I found that it is almost impossible to get a perfectly round abdomen without tearing it. Who knows, maybe I will succeed in the future.. After the abdomen is done I arrange the legs and glue the carapace (by the way I never disconnect it from the abdomen) in place.

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Date taken
Sun, 05 June 2016 7:57 AM
637px x 770px

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