What's this sp like to keep? I have seen these for sale here in the uk and was considering getting one but couldn't find anyone that keeps them. Do they really go green? The sellers pic has a t that has green at the tops of the legs and on the carapace it's what caught my eye in the first place but all the other pictures I have found they look brown .
What's this sp like to keep? I have seen these for sale here in the uk and was considering getting one but couldn't find anyone that keeps them. Do they really go green?
Fair enough assuming like with most companies they have messed about with the saturation or something , might still have to invest because your female is gorgeous. I do love pamphobeteus I don't know why but I just adore the way the females look, floofy legs, striped knees, chunky build what's not to love . I haven't found anyone with this sp that I could ask about it so thank you
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