P metallica  inch and a half

P metallica inch and a half

i have my hunch.. who else wants to take a shot
im seeing female, but honestly not sure if its because I WANT to see female.. anybody else with me on this one? This happens to be the one sp. of Poeci Im never opinionated on
Tough call man. She's pretty small and the picture is blurry as hell. If I was forced to choose I'd go female but at this point it would just be a guess. Have you thought about investing in a camera with a macro lens? Half the fun in owning these guys is getting nice shots of them. iPhone is cool for your day to day photography and I use it for that as well. But getting decent shots of spiders, especially small ones, becomes a pain real quick. You don't need anything fancy. I'm using a camera you can get on eBay for $200 plus a $100 lens and I'm getting some acceptable shots. Just my 2 cents. :)

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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