No Name!?

No Name!?

bought as a no name T molt before it was navy blue & dark
I think its lampropelma nigerrimum propably male but im not sure
PLZHelp me identify this T
molt before she was black like her leg when i buy this T he have no leg and was dried after month she looks 100% better :) makes lot of web (on picture in new tank) and its very aggressive act like Pterinochilus murinus like bites and very fast creature :)
Looks like L. Nigirrimum, if it is indeed, that would be male, since they fade when they get older while females stay black.

The only way to really identify it is to compare spermathecae when it's female, and embolus when it's mature male, to other specimens.

PS. Mind your fingers, those have very very bad venom.

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Tarantula Identification
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