mystery T

mystery T

ok, i was given her as a supposed red knee when i talked on the phone with teh people, but i don't think she is, has some purple on carapace (sp?) and black under belly, she is 5-6 years old and has between a 5inch and a 5.25 inch legspan...
G. Rosea. Who ever gave that to you knows absolutely NOTHING about T's... I can't be sure on the age, but 8 years at the least.
atleast it was free, and i didn't spend a lot of money on her.... you should have seen her cage, 1/8" of mulch (the small wood chips and stringy stuff) a tall tree in it, a huge water bowl the kind you would use for a bowl of soup, with one rock in it, which was under a lot of water, and 12 crickets in the cage, she has eaten one since i have had her, but it looks like she has scabs on her abdomin, they said little kids handled her, but she reared up at me... Oh and they were going to travel her without taking anything out of the cage, thank goodness i brought a little travel carrier and i only lived 5 min. away. The cage stunk when i went to clean it out... They weren't sure about giving her to me, they really wanted a school to take herfor like a 2nd or 3rd grade class, it took her 3 hours to get her to move out of my carring case...she now has 2 inches of warm baked tropical soil (the thermometer read 80 degrees and it was stuck in the soil, now she is up on the glass and is just staying there....I am hoping she molts soon, they had no clue when her last molt was, they havn't seen one and thy have had her since may. she was their daughters but the girl went away for college and couldn't take it with her... they kept her in a closet...
G. roseas arent a tropical species, they are more of a dessert species. Enjoy dry dry dry soil.
I can see condensation on the glass, and the soil appears wet as well.
This is why your tarantula is stuck on the walls as you have said, this species does not like the feeling of wet.

There is no way to guess how old that spider is. It's wild-caught so it's anyone's guess.
The soil was freshly made, (i had just soaked it and baked it) the travel cage i had for her was really small and she was cramped so i sprayed the soil down after i baked it to cool the temp. down so whe didn't hurt herself... there is no humidity where i live, or very low so 2 inches of soil drys out overnight. now she is down on the ground moving around, she has gone all the way around the cage 4 or 5 times since i last posted.
but thank you everyone for your help....
Yay on spider coming down to the sub. As for size/age - roseas grow very slowly. I have a 1.5" DLS rosea. I have had it over a year - it has molted once, and put on about 1/4" in leg span. I have three juvies that are just over 2" DSL... again, owned for over a year, and put on about 1/4" legspan in the ONE molt they have given me. Adults may go a year or more between molts. Congrats on your Rosea.
yeah, i have a 1 and a half year old baby rosea and he is 1 and 3/4 inch legspan (really long legged so we are guessing gender) he was from a sac a friend of mine had and he was the only one who would come out on my hand regularly... i know for a fact that he has molted atleast 3 times just this year alone, in the last 12 months he has molted atleast 4 times, and is putting on roughly a quarter of an inch every time... i just upgraded his containet (cat kept trying to knock over the cole slaw container) and now he is in a showbox (the plastic kind) with 2 inches substrate, a hide and a waterbowl with pebbles all the way to the top. i cut a huge hole in the top and put in hardware cloth to provide better ventelation...

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